Tuesday, December 13, 2005

BNI story

I just arrived back to office after my usual Tuesday morning business breakfast in BNI. I would like to share why I wake up every Tuesday morning at 5:30am to participate at those meetings.
What is all fuss about? I am not gonna go too much into official explanation of BNI as it can be found at our official website (www.bnimalaysia.com) and its done by people who have been through all this for much longer time so no point going into their area. It is more about how I feel about it, what it gives me or rather what it allows me and my company to give others.

BNI stands for Business Network International, its 15 years old networking and business referral organization and it has many chapters in Malaysia as well as in 15 other countries if I am right. First of all the organization itself reminds me AIESEC I was member of for many years. I found another organization where I can feel like part of the group of people that have the same problems and ideals about their business as I do.
Yes, of course firstly we meet every week to exchange business referrals and practive word of mouth marketing (which definately work and especially in Malaysia or rather in Asia in general), but what inspires me the most is still the higher and deeper vision behind BNI. I guess I am always happy to do things that have more contributional value to other people lives or other people businesses.
I literally love BNI philosophy, which says GIVERS GAIN - Its like I have always done it and believed in it but never word it so precisely. All my motivation comes from here - motivation and inspiration to go and do whatever it takes to make it work and happen.

I want to give, I want my company to give - to give very good service and products that will positively change someone's corporate live - its that small piece we can contribute to each other. And we definately give lots of quality for very cheap money, why we do it? Make no business sense???
Because we believe that Givers eventually really gain. I might not earn a lot on solutions i develop for my BNI fellows for example but the feeling that it might help these small entrepreneurs to realize their dreams and run their businesses a bit smoother feels great and thats all I need. And again we all in NextLogic strongly believe that great things are waiting somewhere out there for good people with genuine intentions like we all have in BNI. Well, I cannot talk on behalf of all but at least for my Millenium chapter and especially few individuals that already gained my trust no matter what. Thanks a lot Fawziah - slimming undergarment trading (my first ever BNI customer), Raja - art gallery owner (www.pelitahati.com.my), Rebecca - our company secretary (www.e-latterrain.com) , Chloe - our cake lady, Alice - our messy accounts expert accountant as well as Chee - our nutrition expert. Owe you all a lot.

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