Wednesday, November 02, 2005

This is me Dasha. I am 26 years old and I have tried many jobs in my life. Negative person would say I am a job hopper, positive one would say I gained lots of diverse exprience, which I can benefit from now when running my own company with Peter. Due to the fact that at the moment I still classify myself as rather negative person (but with lots of optimism) I also use my work history as an excuse to run away from more jobs like that and started my own business. Suffering for the bad you are responsible for and you can change is still much better than just suffering, right?
So that's how we started - me dissapointed from my previous jobs but still with lots of ideas and energy I am not going to "sell" that easy anymore and Peter - brain & soul of our company with lots of knowledge, experience, competence and passion for software solutions development. Perfect combination to start small software company. So we did.

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